Make a difference to the community and beyond...


Activity schedule & planning

Group activities perfer to take place on the first Sunday of each month. If there's a change on the schedule then we will announce it here. All activities are planned and decided by the folks who are participating.

Next Event

Sunday, June 30th 2024


Woodlawn Neighborhood Clean Up

Address: Woodlawn Park Portland, 97211

Start Time: 9:30AM

End Time: 12:00AM

Event Details



kids Involvement

One of our goals is to provide opportunities for the kids to hang out and do a random act of kindness together. To make it more interesting for the kids, we try to select a different event or go to a different place each month.


Our belief

We are the folks who believe acts of kindness can make a difference to the community; We believe practice kindness can solve the problems in our lives; We are confident that kindness can softens hearts, lifts spirits and molds relationships; Most of all, kindness makes everyone happier :-)


We're located in Portland OR. Our activities will take place in Portland and it's surrounding areas.


If you have any questions or want to join the club, please send an email to Jeff at